Installation Products | Additives

S-30 Epoxy Cove Base Additive
S-30 Cove Base Additives are thickening agents for addition to epoxy mortars and grouts. S-30 will thicken epoxy mixtures to improve installation appearance of resinous cove base. S-30 is specifically designed for use with Summitville S-400 Setting & Grouting Epoxies. S-30 must be used with caution.
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S-31 Epoxy Cove Base Additive
S-31 Cove Base Additives are thickening agents for addition to epoxy mortars and grouts. S-31 will thicken epoxy mixtures to improve installation appearance of resinous cove base. S-31 is specifically designed for use with Summitville S-5000 Setting & Grouting Epoxies. S-31 must be used with caution.
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S-775 Acrylic Latex Additive
S-775 Acrylic Latex Additive is a specially formulated and balanced acrylic latex additive for use with Summitville grout formulas. S-775 grouts have increased flexural strength, superior bond strength, improved workability and freeze-thaw and efflorescence resistance. S-775 is easier to clean up than most acrylic latex additive grout systems. S-775 eliminates the need for damp curing and is non-toxic and non-flammable. S-775 is designed for use with Summitville S-667, S-687 and S-700 grout formulations.
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S-776 Quick-Set Grout & Mortar Additive
S-776 is a specially formulated and balanced acrylic latex accelerator additive designed for use with all Summitville cementitious grouts and mortars. It is designed to accelerate the curing of these products in order to speed up installation and clean up. S-776 is useful where only a minimum amount of downtime can be tolerated. When used in lieu of water or standard latex products, S-776 provides initial set times of about 1 hour and final set times of about 3 hours at 75°F. At cooler ambient temperatures, set times will be slowed; at higher ambient temperatures, set times will be accelerated. Do not set or grout with S-776 if ambient or substrate temperatures are below 50°F or above 90F. Do not grout in direct sunlight. S-776 is designed for use with Summitville’s cementitious grouts and mortars. S-776 can also be used in mortar bed applications in lieu of water.
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S-800 Acrylic Admixture for Thin-Set
S-800 is a specially formulated and balanced acrylic latex additive for use with Summitville S-777 thin set mortar. S-800 fortified mortars are sag resistant and have superior bond strength, increased flexural strength, excellent freeze-thaw resistance and improved workability. The use of S-800 eliminates the need for damp curing. S-800, when mixed with approved mortar, meets or exceeds ANSI A118.4 and A118.11. S-800 is non-toxic and non-flammable. S-800 mortar can be used to set ceramic tile over clean dry masonry, concrete, brick, fiberglass reinforced backer board, exterior grade plywood or gypsum board. S-800 mortar should be used in interior or exterior floor and wall installations where superior mortar physical properties are required.
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S-810 Flexible Mortar System
S-810 is copolymer latex formulation. When mixed with S-777 thin-set mortar, it is a flexible polymer mortar system for setting all types of ceramic tile, marble, granite and slate over various substrates. The S-810 system is used for floors, walls and ceilings in interior and exterior installations. Meets or exceeds ANSI A118.4 and A118.11 when mixed with approved mortar. S-810/S-777 mortar system is designed for use over existing ceramic tile (glazed or unglazed), cement backer board, cured concrete, cement block masonry, for non-wet areas only, drywall, exterior grade plywood (horizontal surfaces only), vinyl floor covering (except cushion foam vinyl), old cutback adhesive, vinyl asbestos tiles and Formica countertops, properly prepared aluminum, steel, galvanized steel or stainless steel. S-810 improves the physical properties of non-latex modified thin set mortars.
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S-820 Latex Concentrate
S-820 is a copolymer latex system that adds flexibility, improves workability, and freeze/thaw and efflorescence resistance, reduces post cure moisture absorption and increases bond strength when used appropriately. S-820 can be used for floors, walls and ceilings in interior and exterior installations. S-820 meets or exceeds ANSI A118.4 and A118.11 when mixed with an approved mortar.