Installation Products | Cement Products

S-777 Thin Set Mortar
S-777 is a dual-purpose thin set mortar for floors and walls. S-777 has good compressive strength, high bond strength, is easy to trowel and meets or exceeds ANSI A118.1 requirements. S-777 exhibits superior bond strength, excellent freeze-thaw stability, increased flexural strength and water resistance when mixed with S-800 in place of water. In addition, when mixed with S-810, the S-777 exhibits superior flexibility. When S-777 is mixed with S-800 or S-810 the system meets or exceeds both ANSI A118.4 and A118.11 specifications. S-777 is recommended to set any type of ceramic tile specified for floor and wall installation when tile is set in accordance with ANSI A 108 and the Tile Council of America’s Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installations. S-777 may be used over concrete, dry walls, glass mesh mortar units and wood subfloor with mortar bed substrate, masonry, ceramic tile or brick.
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S-780 Floor Mortar Bed Mix
S-780 Mortar Bed Mix is a Portland Cement based mortar for thick setting “mortar/mud” beds under ceramic or Quarry Tiles over concrete. Summitville S-780 Mortar bed mix is a pre-packaged mortar to eliminate dry mix ratio guesswork on the job site. S-780 can be mixed with clean potable water or with Summitville S-800 Thin Set/Mortar Bed Latex for improved mortar bed flexibility. S-780 must be applied to cured concrete or over wood floors (interior only) built to ANSI A 108 and the Tile Council of North America Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation methods. S-780 may be used with radiant heat pipe installations. Radiant heat installations must be lowered to a maximum of 75ºF before installation of mortar bed and must remain at or below 75ºF until the tile installation is complete and has been given sufficient time to cure. Installations requiring reinforcement must have mesh reinforcement in the center of the bed. Reinforcement must not be in direct contact with vertical surfaces, perimeters and/or restraining protrusions.
- Can be used with Summitville full installation packages for one supplier responsibility
- Specially formulated to compact easily for high mortar bed strength
- Exterior and Interior approved
- Radiant Heat Systems approved
- Convenient, Pre-weighed package size for easy mixing
- Mix with water or with Summitville latex modifier
- ANSI A 108 Compliant Mix
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S-1000 Multi-Purpose Thin Set Latex Mortar
S-1000 MP is a high quality multi-purpose thin set mortar formulated with an advanced powdered latex system, designed to provide superior bond and shear strength, freeze-thaw resistance, impact-resistance and reduced water absorption. The non-reemulsifying resin system in S-1000 MP also provides excellent workability. S-1000 MP meets or exceeds ANSI A118.1, A118.4 and A118.11. S-1000 MP multi-purpose thin set is recommended for setting all types of ceramic tiles, marbles, slate and granite. S-1000 MP is recommended for interior or exterior wall or floor applications.
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S-1100 Multi-Purpose Premium Thin Set Latex Mortar
S-1100 MP is a premium high quality multi-purpose thin set mortar formulated with special powdered latex, designed to provide superior bond and shear strength, freeze-thaw resistance, impact-resistance and reduced water absorption. The non-reemulsifying resin system in S-1100 MP also provides excellent workability. S-1100 MP meets or exceeds ANSI A118.1, A118.4 and A118.11. S-1100 MP multi-purpose thin set is recommended for setting all types of ceramic tiles, marbles, slate and granite. S-1100 MP is recommended for interior or exterior wall or floor applications.
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S-1150 Anti-Sag Multi-Purpose Mortar
S-1150 is a premium quality multi-purpose mortar formulated to provide excellent anti-saging properties for setting all oversized non moisture sensitive ceramic body tile including all porcelain and veneer stone in a vertical application. S-1150 is formulated with a specifically engineered powdered latex system designed to provide superior bond and shear strength, freeze-thaw resistance, and a post cure reduction in water absorption. S-1150 can be used in both interior and exterior applications. S-1150 meets or exceeds ANSI A118.1, A118.4 and A118.11. S-1150 is available in #910 White.
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S-1200 Multi-Purpose Premium Medium Bed Mortar
S-1200 MP is designed for installation of large ceramic tiles, marble, granite and non-moisture sensitive stone over floors or walls. S-1200 MP is designed for interior or exterior applications. S-1200 MP is cement based formula that includes a unique specially designed pow¬dered latex system that meets or exceeds ANSI A118.4 and A118.11 specifications for latex Portland cement mortar. This product can be used over clean masonry surfaces, cemen¬titious backer board, gypsum drywall or exterior grade plywood. APA grade, C-C plugged or better. (Plywood installations interi¬or, non-wet areas only). S-1200 MP may be applied at a thickness of 1/4″ to 3/4″ max. The non-sinking characteristic of this medium bed mortar minimizes the need to re-level installed large tiles and stone.
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S-1300 Multi-Purpose Thin Set
S-1300 MP is a high quality multi-purpose thin set mortar formulated with a special powdered latex designed to provide superior bond and shear strength, freeze-thaw resistance, impact resistance and reduced water absorption. The non-reemulsifying resin system in S-1300 MP2 also provides excellent workability. S-1300 MP meets or exceeds ANSI A118.1, A118.4 and A118.11. S-1300 MP multi-purpose thin set is recommended for setting all types of ceramic tiles, marbles, slate and granite. S-1300 MP is recommended for interior or exterior wall or floor applications.
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S-2000 Quick Set Thin Set Latex Mortar
S-2000 is a fast setting thin set latex mortar for floor and wall applications. S-2000 is a special formulation designed for installations, which require a minimum amount of install time. The specially designed rapid strength developing characteristics of S-2000 allow grouting operation to begin within 2 to 4 hours after tile has been set. This product also contains a specially designed powdered latex system that only requires the addition of the appropriate amount of water to attain the proper working consistency. S-2000 meets or exceeds ANSI A118.4 and A118.11. S-2000 quick setting mortar is recommended for setting all types of tile where minimum amount of installation time is required.
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S-3600 Light Weight Mortar & Grout
S-3600 light weight mortar and grout is a high quality multipurpose light weight mortar and grout formulated with a special powdered latex and light weight glass spheres to provide the ability to set tile over a horizontal surface in either thin set or medium bed mortar system and grout with half the weight of a conventional sand cement mix. Meets or exceeds ANSI A118.1, A118.4 and A118.11. This product can be used over clean masonry surfaces, cementitious backer board, gypsum drywall, or exterior plywood APA grade, C-C plugged or better. (plywood installations interior, non-wet areas only).